Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

i'm so sorry, but there was no internet connection during the last days.
so here are some new photos of the last days...
wilpattu narional park

meeting salina in forest rock garden


same again

and again

and this one and two more...


elephants are really big animal, but i think 
in this case, the artist really overdidi it ;-)

Samstag, 24. Dezember 2016

i'm back on tour!
24th of dec. just arrived at dehli airport, india, to change planes to columbo, sri lanka.
tomorrow i will meet salina for a 14-day roundtrip.  keep in touch...
selfie at dehli airport

and another selfie at the beach of my hotel 
in colombo (to tell the truth it's negombo!)

and one with the choir of the hotel at the x-mas-eve party!
merry x-mas to all of you...